Episode 18: Colorado Craft Beer with Advanced Cicerone Dev Adams

Episode 18: Colorado Craft Beer with Advanced Cicerone Dev Adams

Served, The Podcast

29/07/2017 2:33PM

Episode Synopsis "Episode 18: Colorado Craft Beer with Advanced Cicerone Dev Adams"

The DO eds decided to veer off the food course for episode 18 and talk beer! With the help of Advanced Cicerone Dev Adams (@misslupulin on social), we explore the reasons behind Colorado's craft brew craze, why we treat breweries as an extension of our own living rooms, and why we hop everything that moves. Also, Dev gives us insight on top-notch traditional styles being made in Denver and beyond, strategies for making the most of the Great American Beer Festival, and what new breweries to keep an eye on. Plus, a lively debate on whether or not we should ski and drink beer at the same time. All this while we sip on a Prost Dunkel. That's #servedthepodcast for ya.

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