Episode Synopsis "Being a Disciple - Luke 14:25-35"
The sermon for the twelfth Sunday after Trinity, September 4, 2022, preached by Pastor Jason Gudim.
Listen "Being a Disciple - Luke 14:25-35"
More episodes of the podcast Sermons - Faith Free Lutheran
- God is Our Refuge & Strength - Psalm 46
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- I Will Fear No Evil - Psalm 23
- The Man of Your Right Hand - Psalm 80:7-19
- Teach Me Your Paths - Psalm 25:1-10
- The Lord Is My Light & Salvation - Psalm 27:1-9
- The Lord Works Righteousness - Psalm 103:1-12
- You Are a Hiding Place - Psalm 32:1-7
- Vindicate Me - Psalm 26:1-12
- Your Name and Your Word - Psalm 138
- Known on Earth - Psalm 67
- My Cry to Him Reaches His Ears - Psalm 18:1-6
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- Satisfied with the Goodness of Your House - Psalm 65:1-13
- Priorities Mark 2:1-12
- "Great is Your Mercy" Psalm 119:153-160
- We are the People of His Pasture - Psalm 95:1-9
- Walk in Newness of Life - Romans 6:1-4
- The Lord Is Your Keeper - Psalm 121
- Second Wednesday in Lent - Titus 3:3-7
- A Hiding Place - Psalm 32:1-7
- I Have Set My King on Zion - Psalm 2:6-12
- Eyes Fixed Upon the Commandments - Psalm 119:1-8
- The Righteous Will Never Be Moved - Psalm 112
- Absolution - John 20:19-23
- The LORD Will Reign Forever - Psalm 146
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- Increase Our Faith - Luke 17:1-10
- The Sufficiency of God's Word - Luke 16:19-31
- Faithful in Much - Luke 16:1-15
- Rejoice with Me - Luke 15:1-10
- Being a Disciple - Luke 14:25-35
- On the Sabbath - Luke 14:1-14
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- Do Not Be Anxious - Luke 12:22-34
- Rich Fools - Luke 12:13-21
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- Who Is My Neighbor? - Luke 10:25-37
- Isaiah 6:1-7
- Fit for the Kingdom - Luke 9:51-62
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- My Peace I Give to You - John 14:23-31
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- I Give Them Eternal Life - John 10:22-30
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- The Gruesomeness of the Cross & the Compassion of Jesus - John 19:17-30
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- The Response of the Shepherds: Hear & Hasten - Luke 2:8-20
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- Fear the Lord and Serve Him - Joshua 24:14-18
- Arise and Eat - 1 Kings 19:1-8