Episode Synopsis "A Look In The Mirror"
We'll hear a message from Pastor Douglas Mott from Luke 9:23-27 as we continue with Jesus Saturation series.
Listen "A Look In The Mirror"
More episodes of the podcast Sermons
- Beyond Presents
- God's Comforting Love
- What's in a Name?
- The Journey of Joy
- Peace: The Promised Saviour
- A Vision of Hope
- There's More To The Story...
- The Risen Christ's Message of Peace
- Resurrected Hope
- The Final Sacrifice
- The Human Heart's Dilemma
- Unbroken Love
- Praying For You Part II
- Praying For You
- I Have Overcome The World
- When The Spirit Comes
- It Ain't Gonna Be Easy
- Pruning and Fruitfulness
- A New Standard of Living
- Love in Action
- Believe in The Light
- The Hour Has Come
- A Tale of Three Responses
- Jesus' Resurrecting Power
- We Are Safe in His Hands
- The Shepherd's Heart
- Lessons for Our Faith
- Before Abraham was
- The Spirit of Adoption
- From Slavery to Sonship
- Walking in the Light of Jesus
- Living Water: What Jesus Offers to Those Who Thirst
- The Authority of Jesus
- The Bread of Life - Christ Alone
- The True Nature of Jesus
- The Resurrection: A Promise Fulfilled
- The Cross: A Message of Love
- Your King is Coming to You
- The Son and the Judge
- Do You Want to be Healed?
- The Object of Faith
- A Well, a Woman and Living Water
- This Joy Of Mine
- You Must Be Born Again
- The Cleansing of The Temple
- The First Of His Signs
- What Are You Seeking?
- Behold the Lamb of God
- God Came Down
- Where is He Who Has Been Born?
- A Light Shines on
- Good News of Great Joy
- An Everlasting Love
- The Joy of the Redeemed
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- Speaking of Jesus
- A Willing Sacrifice
- On Our Behalf
- How it was and How it is Part 2
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- Great Grace Was Upon Them All
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