Self-advocacy Discussion Talk About Individuals With Disabilities

Self adovcacy is a discussion where we talked about individuals with disability and what does the word mean to them and to hear all the story's how other individuals over came adversity about having a disability and if stigmatization or how people look at us and how they stick there nose air like they are better then us but the truth is that God made us different in are own little we the world various colors while people with out disability misunderstand miss judge and being judgemental false potential just because don't care are either. Don't want listen to the individuals are the patent are Guardian of the loves one's . most of these group agencies hiring the wrong poeple for the job to work individuals with disabilities and 99.9 percent of the staff that. Hired. And part of it is all true I have heard it and seen with my own two eyes and with my own two ears for a sample I have her staff say I'm only here for a paycheck I really don't give a f about this job

Self-advocacy Discussion Talk About Individuals With Disabilities

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