An Exegesis Study - Genesis VS. Evolution

An Exegesis Study - Genesis VS. Evolution


07/12/2020 8:12AM

Episode Synopsis "An Exegesis Study - Genesis VS. Evolution"

Genesis chapter 1: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 《创世记》第1章第1-2节经文:“起初神创造天地。 Four concepts emerged from this very first verse of the Bible: beginning; God;created; heavens and the earth (world). We can compare with "evolution theory" and find it has no concept of "beginning", "God" and "creation". Evolution starts with the last concept, "the world.” 在第1节的经文里,一共出现了四个概念:起初;神;创造;天地。我 们可以对比“进化论”学说,发现在这四个概念里,“进化论”里没有“起初”的概念;没有“神”的概念;没有“创造”的概念。只有最后一个概念“天地”。 Does this mean the ideas of “beginning", "God" and "creation" are strange, complicated or unfamiliar? No, these concepts are both ordinary and understandable to humanity as they are recorded in all the  early civilizations. Yet, in evolutionary cosmology, these concepts are nowhere to be found! 这是不是说,前三个概念特别奇怪,或复杂,或陌生?不是的。在人类的意识里,这三个概念都是既普通又明白。在所有民族早期文明的记载或文字里,都有这三个概念。在 “进化论”的宇宙观里,这三个概念全部缺失,找不到痕迹。无神论者(过去的我们!) 居然不觉得这里有问题?(特别提醒:进化论学说连“起初”(in the beginning ) 的概念都没有!) What is the meaning of the "beginning"? Beginning gives us the start of time. The rational person might ask, what is there before time? The Bible says that nothing existed other than God, that is, absolute "nothingness." Therefore, the concept of "beginning" has brought out the concept of "nothingness"; linking the two together. There is no "beginning" in evolution, so there is no concept of "nothingness." 什么是“起初”的意思?就是在时间的起点。理性主义者会提问说,那么在时间以前是什么呢?《圣经》说,是神以外的“万有”都不存在,就是绝对的“虚无”。所以, “起初”的概念已经带出来“虚无”的概念,两者是连在一起的。进化论没有“起初”, 因此也没有“虚无”的概念。 What does “creation” mean? It means something is formed out of nothing, that is, everything was formed out of absolute nothingness. Therefore, the concept of "creation" also includes the concept of "nothingness." Likewise, evolution does not have the concept of “nothingness”, so there is no concept of “creation”. “创造”是什么意思?就是说:无中生有,即从绝对虚无里生出万有。所以,“创造”的概念也包含了“虚无”的概念。同样,进化论没有“虚无”的概念,所以也没有 “创造”的概念。 The most difficult and abstract concept to understand out of the four concepts, should be "God." This "God" is neither in "all things" nor in "nothingness." "God" clearly transcends all possessions and transcends absolute nothingness. So what is "God"? How should one imagine and describe "God"? 四个概念里最难理解,最抽象的概念,应该是“神”。这个“神”既不在“万有”里 面,也不在“虚无”里面。“神”显然超越了所有的有,也超越了绝对的虚无。那么 “神”是什么呢?人类该如何想象和描述“神”呢? At first glance, this seems like an impossible mission, but God has a way. Genesis tells the story of a God who is the absolute and transcendental. Besides God, the other 3 concepts have made the most crucial footnote and revelation for our description of "God" . This unspeakable "God" connects with man through “the beginning (the beginning of time); creation (the origin of mankind) and the heavens and the earth (the whole universe). If you don't understand "time", "creation" and "universe", you can't understand "God". In other words, God reveals Himself to man through time, creation, and universe. 咋看起来,这几乎是不可能的任务(mission impossible ), 但神有办法。《创世记》讲的就是神这位绝对者和超越者自己的故事。此刻,我们暂且耐心一点,只看第1节经文。四个概念中除“神”以外的另外三个,都为我们描述“神”作了最关键的注脚和启示了。这个无法言说的“神”,祂通过什么与人类关联?通过:起初(时间的开始);创造(人类的起源)和天地(宇宙万有)。不理解“时间”、“创造”和“宇宙万有”, 也就无法理解“神”了。换言之,神借着时间、创造和万有向人类启示祂自己。 In the first verse of Genesis, we encountered God for the first time. It is time to say goodbye to the atheistic worldview of evolution. 可以说,在《创世记》第1节经文里,我们第一次与神相遇了。告别进化论的无神论世界观的时间到了。

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