Episode Synopsis "20. One can get anything he desires from the Lord!"
Listen "20. One can get anything he desires from the Lord!"
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- 21. Serve the spiritual master first
- 20. One can get anything he desires from the Lord!
- 19. Devotee is more fortunate than devatas!
- 18. Stop useless planning!
- 17. Take shelter of a pure devotee
- 16. Our material opulence can be vanquished anytime!
- 15. Save yourself from being by wheel of time
- 14. The only way to get out of entanglement
- 13. Everything is a manifestation of the Lord!
- 12. The Supreme Lord is the only protector!
- 11. Importance of disciplic succession
- 10. Serving the Lord - The Only Remedy!
- 9. Be eager to return to Lord's shelter
- 8. Devotee is unafraid of Lord's fearsome forms
- 7. Remember Narasimha to drive away fear
- 6. Lord appears to benefit the universe
- 5. Pray for self-purification
- 4. Krishna doesn't need any service!
- 3. A devotee is always exalted!
- 2. Lord can't be approached through material qualifications
- 1. Mood of a devotee while offering prayers