Episode Synopsis "11: Gambling in Sports"
Popular forms of sports gambling and how some of it works.
Listen "11: Gambling in Sports"
More episodes of the podcast Scotty Explains Sports to Chad
- 15: International Issues
- 14: The Predators Cup Run
- 13: Alternate Uniforms in Sports
- 12: Amateur to Professional Part 1: Football & Basketball
- Smashville! Predators Head to Cup Final!
- 11: Gambling in Sports
- 10: Why Do Sports Fans Get So Emotional?
- 9: The Rise and Fall of ESPN
- 8: Duration of the Regular Season in Professional Sports
- 7: Speeding up Football and Baseball?
- Has this been the greatest sports year ever!?
- *Super* Special Edition
- 4: Racial Team Mascots
- 1: Concussions and CTE