2018-8-5 聯合信息Combine Message:移山的信心Faith That Moves The Mountain - PDF

2018-8-5 聯合信息Combine Message:移山的信心Faith That Moves The Mountain - PDF

SBLACAC Canto Bible Study

07/08/2018 4:42AM

Episode Synopsis "2018-8-5 聯合信息Combine Message:移山的信心Faith That Moves The Mountain - PDF"

從尼希米來學習信心禱告的功課。From Nehemiah,what we can learn about Faith and Prayer? 我們要在什麼事情上等候神?什麼是我們要建立的城墻,是家庭嗎?是個人的生命嗎?是人際關係,或者是我們的服事?What are we charge of, our family, our spirit, our relationships or our ministries? 所有這些都是,我們經歷神的機會。We will experience God in all these.

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