Episode Synopsis "Santa Fe County GOP Convention Recap"
Welcome to another episode of our Santa Fe County GOP podcast! This podcast features a recap of the Santa Fe County Organizational Convention. Orlando introduces the new Santa Fe County Executive Committee Officers and the elected State Central Committee members. That and much much more. Enjoy!
Listen "Santa Fe County GOP Convention Recap"
More episodes of the podcast Santa Fe County GOP Podcasts
- Rio Grande Foundation: Paul Gessing Speaks Out!
- The Southwest Business Summit with Michael Barrera
- Santa Fe County GOP Convention Recap
- Meet Your Santa Fe County GOP Officer Candidates
- Russ Howell - Luna County EC Chair talks about Organization Convention
- The Upcoming 2015 Santa Fe County Organizing Convention
- Santa Fe County GOP Chair Orlando Baca talks about the New Mexico Republican Primaries
- Santa Fe County GOP Podcast: Episode 6 - Do we still need a Santa Fe GOP Party?
- Christus St. Vincent's Lillian Montoya; Vice President for Public Policy talks with Santa Fe GOP!
- Russ Howell: Getting Down to Grassroots
- Santa Fe County GOP Podcast Interview with Committee Chair Orlando Baca
- Santa Fe County GOP Podcast Monthly Meeting April 2014
- Santa Fe County GOP Monthly Meeting for Feb'2014