Episode Synopsis "Control the Narrative & Win at Sales! Suck Less & Make More Money!"
This week, Jason goes in an epic rant of controlling the narrative in your industry! He calls out the Manufactured Housing Institute and the State of Ohio as well as Gov. Kasich as well as the weather channel. People suck at sales, story telling, content, social media, and the narrative and they wonder why they failing! Being an entrepreneur is like being a dog marking its territory! Rated L for some language. Grab a cup of coffee and come along for a ride on this explosive podcast!
Listen "Control the Narrative & Win at Sales! Suck Less & Make More Money!"
More episodes of the podcast Sales Copy Pro
- Hot Shower Effect? Weak Words & Real Estate Seminars - Why They Suck!
- Your Sales Copy Sucks - Which is why You Suck at Sales!
- Motivational Minute Computer Viruses & Your Success are Linked?!?
- Control the Narrative & Win at Sales! Suck Less & Make More Money!
- Success Minute 3 - Story "3 Feet from Gold Bullshit?"
- Does it Take Massive Change to Have Success? Success Minute #2
- 4 - 18 - 2017 Motivational Minute