Safety Three - Season 2 - Episode 3: – The Respectful Workplace

Safety Three - Season 2 - Episode 3: – The Respectful Workplace

Safety Three

11/05/2022 9:08AM

Episode Synopsis "Safety Three - Season 2 - Episode 3: – The Respectful Workplace"

Safety Three looks at three different elements of safety and how they interact with each other. Safety of Self - looking after yourself, Safety of others - looking out for your work mates and Safety in Solutions - looking at safety in a different way that allows you to think outside the box. Listen to invigorating Safety topics hosted by Silke, a Safety Professional with more than 20 years’ experience in various industries and Chris an Accredited Exercise Physiologist. The episode explores what constitutes a Respectable Workplace. Why the change and how is it viewed by society in general that there is still an acceptance of bad behaviour particularly in sporting codes. Should you wish to contact either Silke or Chris for further information, please email: [email protected]

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