The Ripple Effect of soothing from the inside out + a free Yoga Nidra recording

The Ripple Effect of soothing from the inside out + a free Yoga Nidra recording

Sacred Slow Down Free Newsletter

14/12/2020 7:15PM

Episode Synopsis "The Ripple Effect of soothing from the inside out + a free Yoga Nidra recording"

Greetings to all, Please receive this simple Yoga Nidra audio recording as a heartfelt gift from me to assist you in gaining a little soothing from the inside out, and a moment of wider life view. Not to be used while driving! Please listen when you’re comfortable and still (sitting, or even better lying down) to aid de-compression, tension release and deep sleep. This is an exceptional moment to begin or regain an intentional practice of personal perspective. In fact, in my humble opinion, I would say it’s an imperative to navigating the global and local waves of change we all find ourselves in.These sure are extraordinary times we’re living through and this is currently being amplified by various astrological phenomena; including today’s (14.12) total solar eclipse and new moon.With this, the transformational Saturn/Jupiter conjunction on the 21st (last seen as now in 1405) and other ancient prophecies currently coming into view, we stand on the threshold of a new age altogether. I believe we truly have the opportunity to partake in the future we’d like to see for ourselves.If only we’d realise the power of the pause button; the reflective perspective consciousness we can all learn to harness and how much processing we can do (i.e: energy we can regain) when we know how to, the ripple effect would simply be enormous. I believe: nothing short of a sea change for humanity.It’s my life’s work and pleasure to assist those who are ready for deeper, more multi dimensional living by stepping into a state of empowerment, energisation and uplift. The Ripple Effect With this in mind I am running a mini series of two upcoming online workshops for you to begin to affect profound change in your state of being, one on the Winter Solstice (21/12) and one a week later just before New Year (28.12). The duo of workshops is priced at £25, including recordings of the sessions (1h15 each), journaling and reflection exercises and a powerful bonus Nidra recording to carry you right through into next year.The Zoom workshops are designed to access and utilise the deep potency of the subconscious mind through the medium of guided group reflections (I invite you to participate in your own in between sessions too) and the profound meditational technique of Yoga Nidra. This will begin an internal redirection, recalibration and course correction which will allow you to flow into 2021 with renewed strength, ease and purpose.Once enrolled, if you wish, you can even book a special online one to one with me for additional, individualised shaping and sharpening of your New Year resolve (£30 for 45mins depth guidance, session to be booked between 21-30.12).Are you ready to embrace The Ripple Effect? If so, it would truly be my honour to guide.More about me: www.pennieludlow.comRSVP at [email protected] to enrol on The Ripple.With Love x Get full access to Sacred Slow Down Free Newsletter at

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