Week 6 Thorr and Loki go to Jotunheim, Sorcerous Multipliers, Thurisaz - Rune of Consciousness

Week 6 Thorr and Loki go to Jotunheim, Sorcerous Multipliers, Thurisaz - Rune of Consciousness

Runestyr - runic sorcery

13/11/2018 2:15AM

Episode Synopsis "Week 6 Thorr and Loki go to Jotunheim, Sorcerous Multipliers, Thurisaz - Rune of Consciousness"

We hear of the journey to Jotunheim of Thorr and Loki, where they confront a powerful giant mage. We discuss sorcerous multipliers that allow you to use your magic more effectively using less energy, and finally we begin on the rune Thurisaz, the Rune of Awakening Consciousness. Join us!

Listen "Week 6 Thorr and Loki go to Jotunheim, Sorcerous Multipliers, Thurisaz - Rune of Consciousness"

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