EPISODE 6: Golf Talk with Justin Quiban

EPISODE 6: Golf Talk with Justin Quiban


12/12/2020 8:48PM

Episode Synopsis "EPISODE 6: Golf Talk with Justin Quiban"

Hop in and cruise around with Blake, Negs, and Rod as they welcome special guest to the show, pro Filipino golfer, Justin Quiban to the show. For today's episode the guys dive into Justin's experiences as a pro golfer. Hear what it is like from the man who lives it day to day. Enjoy this special interview with Justin Quiban. Thank you and Enjoy! If you enjoy this show, here are a few ways you can help it grow:  website at www.goballyballin.com  Leave us a rating and/or a review where ever you listen  Check out or other network shows:  The Globally Ballin Podcast  Hang Time  Athlete's Podium  An Eternity of Basketball  Follow the network on social media:  www.facebook.com/globallyballin  www.facebook.com/globallyballinsea  Instagram @globallyballinofficial  Twitter @globallyballin  Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzmrOvHq9Sdh4gFVgL59UwQ?view_as=subscriber  Follow this show on social media:  Instagram @patronsports  www.facebook.com/patronsports  Twitter @patronsports  Send us a message on any of these social media locations with any suggestions and/or requests. Stay safe, and stay healthy, and be sure to tune in next week to another episode of Ronda.

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