07 | What is Coaching and Mentoring?

07 | What is Coaching and Mentoring?

Romy Day

08/06/2021 8:00AM

Episode Synopsis "07 | What is Coaching and Mentoring?"

"What is Coaching and Mentoring exactly?" "What is the difference?"  "When and why do I need a Coach in my life?" In today's podcast episode we jump right into the Coaching Business and I'll answer those questions and many more. To hire a Coach is to invest in yourself.  Seeing yourself as the best investment of your life.  Taking your life to the next level. If it is that you want to change your relationships, or you want to have the childbirth of your dreams or work to achieve a certain business goal or simply want to have the life of your dreams and become the best version of yourself and learn to lead yourself.

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