Episode Synopsis "Chris Hoog: Co-founder of Golden Bell Music, talks about playing COVID-safe shows throughout the pandemic"
I speak with Chris Hoog, bandleader of House Call Soul about what it's like to play neighborhood shows around the Bay Area in COVID times. The interview organically transforms into a beautiful reminder of just WHY we do what we do. More on Chris and his remarkable projects at goldenbellmusic.com and housecallsoul.com and more on Robin Applewood at www.robinapplewood.com
Listen "Chris Hoog: Co-founder of Golden Bell Music, talks about playing COVID-safe shows throughout the pandemic"
More episodes of the podcast Robin Applewood & Friends
- Patricia Gums, Events Manager at The Chapel: Continuing the conversation around the pandemics impact on live music venues
- Charlie Wilson Loves a Challenge: Producer, studio owner & professional musician reveals his side hustles and creative goals
- Lani & Summer of Ivy Room: Owning and operating a live music venue, before, during and hopefully after the pandemic
- Ben Thompson: Booking agent, venue manager, sound engineer and musician talks about high quality live streams at his music venue
- Chris Hoog: Co-founder of Golden Bell Music, talks about playing COVID-safe shows throughout the pandemic
- Joe Bagale aka Otis McDonald: Wisdom and inspiration bombs from a local hero
- Maya Finlay: Music, Capitalism and resources for women in audio
- Daria Shani Johnson: Honest reflections of a POC woman in the music business, during a pandemy
- Chris Cortez: One of the most familiar and humble voices in the Bay reminds us to keep love in our hearts
- Tomas Salcedo of Fantastic Negrito: Why creatives must embrace a digital hustle to succeed
- Madeline Tasquin: From making bread to baking bread
- Anton Patzner of Foxtails Brigade: Reaching a worldwide audience of fans that are waiting for YOU