"THE SEEING FAITH (FAITH THAT SEES)" || Pastor Desire 2-5-2021

"THE SEEING FAITH (FAITH THAT SEES)" || Pastor Desire 2-5-2021

RJMS (REvealing JESUS, Manifesting SONship)

02/05/2021 3:01PM

Episode Synopsis ""THE SEEING FAITH (FAITH THAT SEES)" || Pastor Desire 2-5-2021"

PD begins the "Adventures of faith" series leading up to REfresh 2021. The seeing faith is explained as faith that "SEES THE INVISIBLE AND DOES THE IMPOSSIBLE".

Listen ""THE SEEING FAITH (FAITH THAT SEES)" || Pastor Desire 2-5-2021"

More episodes of the podcast RJMS (REvealing JESUS, Manifesting SONship)