Psalm 59. Praying Through The Psalms.

Psalm 59. Praying Through The Psalms.


20/11/2020 1:50AM

Episode Synopsis "Psalm 59. Praying Through The Psalms."

Sometimes our dreams are crushed by the hard realities of balancing budgets, chronic illnesses, or broken relationships. The pain can be unbearable and even suffocating. Sometimes it seems like we get a glimmer of hope, and then we are buried under the weight of our problems once again. God, deliver us. We know that you love us and you will give us strength for today. Reading from the Contemporary English Version. (c) 1995 by the American Bible Society. This is the Richly Speaking podcast. We are reading and praying through the Psalms this school year. #prayingthroughthepsalms #prayingthepsalms #prayingthebible #psalms #psalm59 #RichlySpeaking #richronald

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