Kate Boylan, Sustainability Engineer, Advisor and Consultant.

Kate Boylan, Sustainability Engineer, Advisor and Consultant.

Rhys Salmon is an Overnight Success

18/08/2021 2:54PM

Episode Synopsis "Kate Boylan, Sustainability Engineer, Advisor and Consultant."

Kate Boylan, loves maths! Wait, what? Well she does and it led her to become an engineer, then a fair weather gardener and back to engineering with a vengeance to make a difference and change the world through sustainability. Now a leading voice for big business in how they can still succeed and not destroy our environment, turns out the two aren’t mutually exclusive. It's a great story of how no matter what field you work in, you can help make sure there is actually a future to enjoy! Join us as we toast some wine (and scotch) to finding your path to success, even if it doesn’t go in the direction you thought it would!

Listen "Kate Boylan, Sustainability Engineer, Advisor and Consultant."

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