Episode Synopsis "EP2 - Know the Audience / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish"
It's so easy to chase everyone. But trying to sell everyone is a common pitfall many entrepreneurs make. The truth is, the more you focus, the more you reduce the number of people you sell and the more you decide on an audience based on data, the better you'll do. On this episode of Revenue Leaders, I talk about our path finding our audience.
Listen "EP2 - Know the Audience / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish"
More episodes of the podcast Revenue Leaders Podcast
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- EP13 - How to systematize success in 2022 / Revenue Leaders Podcast With Robert Cornish
- Quarter Show - EP140 - Honing Your Craft
- EP12 - Goals And Uncomfort / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish
- EP11 - The 1% / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish
- EP10 - The Greatest Model / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish
- EP9 - Close the Rings / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish
- EP8 - What Does it Take/ Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish
- EP7 - The Fastest Recovery Ever / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish
- EP6 - Attaining Goals and The Four Things / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish
- EP5 - Training = Competence/ Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish
- EP4 - Handling Overwhelm / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish
- EP3 - How to Shed Roles / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish
- EP2 - Know the Audience / Revenue Leaders Podcast with Robert Cornish
- EP1 - Do you really need A-players? / Revenue Leaders Podcast
- Revenue Leaders Podcast - Intro to the show