Episode Synopsis "Mark Payne in conversation with Nadena Doharty on his recent paper in Race & Class"
Nadena Doharty interviews Mark Payne about his recent paper published in Race & Class: Payne, M (2019) School life on the margins: Slovak Roma pupils negotiating education. Race & Class, 61(1), 64-76. https://doi.org/10.1177/0306396818822456
Listen "Mark Payne in conversation with Nadena Doharty on his recent paper in Race & Class"
More episodes of the podcast Rethinking Education @ The University of Sheffield
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- Louise Kay discusses her paper Bold Beginnings and the Rhetoric of 'School Readiness'
- Interview with Nadena Doharty about her recent paper with Race Ethnicity and Education
- Mark Payne in conversation with Nadena Doharty on his recent paper in Race & Class