Episode Synopsis "Who changed the truth into a lie?"
Should we all be speaking the same thing and have the same mind? If we serve one God, why are there thousands of different teachings around the world? Is God the God of confusion or does the scripture still hold true; One Lord, one faith, one baptism,Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen (Romans 1:25). Listen to Minster Al and Minister Nate as they discuss relative and absolute truth principles as it relates to the word of God.
Listen "Who changed the truth into a lie?"
More episodes of the podcast RestorationRadio
- Celebrating Pagan
- They don't have the Original Gospel.
- What they don't tell you about Pentecost
- Dietary Law" For ALL Mankind
- Restoration Event-Nashville
- What they refuse to tell you about the Law.
- Day of Atonement
- Restoration Event (The Aftermath)- Coconut Creek, Florida
- RestorationRvent
- Refuting the Lie of Replacement Theology
- Restoring the Church through the Holy Spirit
- The Working of the Holy Spirit
- Passover Misconceptions-Part 1
- Should We Celebrate Easter?
- Deborah: The Judge, The Pastor
- Am I saved?
- The Prophetess Huldah: Women who were not silent in the Church.
- Are women to be silent in the Church?
- What's wrong with religion? Part 2
- What's Wrong With Religion? Part 1
- Who changed the truth into a lie?
- What and Who is THE CHURCH?
- Understanding the Conversion of Apostle Paul
- Judaism vs. Pure Worship of the Jews
- Somebody asked me was I a Jew?
- Are the Pastors really Sent?
- What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.
- Gentile, saved by grace?
- Should we celebrate the birth of Christ?
- 1 The Sabbath_How the world went against it