Episode Synopsis "Lived Experience, Epoché, and Phenomenological Reduction"
The podcast will provide you with a unique and nuanced understanding of lived experience as it relates to phenomenological research and inquiry.
Listen "Lived Experience, Epoché, and Phenomenological Reduction"
More episodes of the podcast Research with Dr. Anil
- Trans group
- Interview with Rasleen Grover Podcast Host of the "Honest Discussion Series"
- Scholarly Writing and Publishing
- Leading and Managing Virtual Communities of Practice (VCoPs)
- Demystifying Qualitative Research: Making up for Lack of a Boilerplate
- Anekantavada: Jain Doctrine of Pluralism and Multiplicity of Viewpoints
- Lived Experience, Epoché, and Phenomenological Reduction
- Ethnography Podcast (Guest speaker: Dr. Kirti Mishra, IIM-Udaipur)
- Crafting Research Proposals Part 2 of 2
- Crafting Research Proposals Part 1 of 2
- Content and Thematic Analysis
- Deploying IPA to Research Novel Phenomena
- Use of IPA in Qualitative Data Analysis
- Converting doctoral dissertation into book