Episode Synopsis "Ethnography Podcast (Guest speaker: Dr. Kirti Mishra, IIM-Udaipur)"
This is an interactive podcast dedicated to the basics of ethnography, including a case study from Dr. Kirti Mishra's work in Australia.
Listen "Ethnography Podcast (Guest speaker: Dr. Kirti Mishra, IIM-Udaipur)"
More episodes of the podcast Research with Dr. Anil
- Trans group
- Interview with Rasleen Grover Podcast Host of the "Honest Discussion Series"
- Scholarly Writing and Publishing
- Leading and Managing Virtual Communities of Practice (VCoPs)
- Demystifying Qualitative Research: Making up for Lack of a Boilerplate
- Anekantavada: Jain Doctrine of Pluralism and Multiplicity of Viewpoints
- Lived Experience, Epoché, and Phenomenological Reduction
- Ethnography Podcast (Guest speaker: Dr. Kirti Mishra, IIM-Udaipur)
- Crafting Research Proposals Part 2 of 2
- Crafting Research Proposals Part 1 of 2
- Content and Thematic Analysis
- Deploying IPA to Research Novel Phenomena
- Use of IPA in Qualitative Data Analysis
- Converting doctoral dissertation into book