Accuracy of removable partial denture framework fabricated by casting with a 3D printed pattern and selective laser sintering

Accuracy of removable partial denture framework fabricated by casting with a 3D printed pattern and selective laser sintering

Replays for Ana Larisse Carneiro

09/04/2020 10:56PM

Episode Synopsis "Accuracy of removable partial denture framework fabricated by casting with a 3D printed pattern and selective laser sintering"

Esse podcast visa discutir com evidência científica um estudo cujo objetivo foi avaliar a diferença de precisão entre estruturas em PPR´s fabricadas por manufatura aditiva (MA) e sinterização seletiva a laser (SLS). Clica no link abaixo e terá acesso ao resumo gráfico do artigo:

Listen "Accuracy of removable partial denture framework fabricated by casting with a 3D printed pattern and selective laser sintering"

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