Ted Mitchell, President of the American Council on Education

Ted Mitchell, President of the American Council on Education

Reopening College Campuses During COVID-19

23/09/2020 2:47PM

Episode Synopsis "Ted Mitchell, President of the American Council on Education"

ACE President Ted Mitchell joins hosts Philip Rogers and Sherri Hughes to wrap up the series, summarizing what they've heard from their guests and other higher education leaders and looking at the changes they've seen in reopening strategies and outcomes over the past three months. The fall 2020 semester has taken on many different forms depending on the context of the institution, and one thing all Engage Conversations guests have made clear is that when it comes to the mode of education delivery during COVID-19, one size does not fit all. Mitchell and the hosts discuss the challenges to leadership and decision-making structures, the importance of looking at who your students are and how to help them succeed, the need to protect and advance the gains in equity and access over the past 20 years in the midst of this crisis, and more.

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