Réneva Radio

Hello Everyone, you are listening to Réneva Radio. We are Rachel and Géneva, we will cover a variety of topics in future episodes to come.  We love to laugh and  just have crazy adventures. We are hoping with this podcast, that we can help people smile, laugh and enjoy life to the fullest. Things that you will probably hear us talk about are, us being weirdos, but this mostly includes; anime, food, kpop, geek stuff, movies, travel, and slice of life. I know its a lot but we just want to share. We will also do some Q & A's in the future, so if you have any questions, leave them on our youtube channel in the comments below. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCub10eMJU2jUoUe-HmL9sRg We hope you have a beautiful day. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to Réneva Radio. If you liked this episode, make sure you subscribe on Google Play and iTunes and leave a review if you would like.

Réneva Radio

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