Remnant Woman- Seeing ourselves as God sees us.

12/11/2019 9:37PM

Episode Synopsis "SHORT-SIGHTED"

When we fail to look beyond our own happiness, our desires, preferring rather to have everything our way and making it all about ourselves, we become short-sighted. Which renders us unable to see the long-term effects of our sin. Because instead of yielding our will to God's will and allowing Him to remedy the situation (which many times means waiting or not having our way), we go about  "fixing it" ourselves. Which may bring 'some" temporary relief or it may fix some aspects of the problem, but it also produce destruction in the process. And inthe long it's not God's will although He, in His mercy and love, can work it "together" for good.


More episodes of the podcast Remnant Woman- Seeing ourselves as God sees us.