Teach Me To Pray - Myles Milham

Teach Me To Pray - Myles Milham

Remnant House of Prayer - Manchester, NH

07/01/2021 5:28AM

Episode Synopsis "Teach Me To Pray - Myles Milham"

Remnant House of Prayer hosts Teach Me To Pray with guest Myles Milham. Myles and Leza Milham live in Massachusetts with their two children. They are part of a growing movement of radical christianity that are encountering the living God and the reality of His kingdom. They founded Kingdom Awakening Ministries with the purpose that unbelievers and believers alike would encounter the fullness of God's expression in their lives, all while being transformed by the power and love of God. Their lives have been committed to living an intimate love relationship with the Father through which they serve a generation in local churches, missions, and lifestyle evangelism. Their passion is to ignite genuine breakthrough throughout the body of Christ and the world that releases transformation in people's lives, communities, and regions.

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