The Law of ESG Derivatives: Risk, Uncertainty and Sustainable Finance

The Law of ESG Derivatives: Risk, Uncertainty and Sustainable Finance

Regulation and Supervision of the OTC Derivatives Market

02/02/2024 10:07PM

Episode Synopsis "The Law of ESG Derivatives: Risk, Uncertainty and Sustainable Finance"

First sneak peak of the upcoming book: ‘ The Law of ESG Derivatives: Risk, Uncertainty and Sustainable Finance’ to be published by Routledge during the first semester of 2024. This book weaves together a comprehensive legal analysis of sustainable finance regimes governing Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) derivatives, with insightful sociological perspectives on risks and uncertainties.

Listen "The Law of ESG Derivatives: Risk, Uncertainty and Sustainable Finance"

More episodes of the podcast Regulation and Supervision of the OTC Derivatives Market