Episode Synopsis "Foe Frenzy (feat. Ellpeck)"
This week, Squid and Vallen are joined by the one and only Ellpeck of Actually Additions and Natures Aura fame. We talk about the motivation to work on mods and Ellpeck's experience going from modding to developing games. If you want to check out Foe Frenzy, check ellpeck's website here: https://ellpeck.de/ Akliz is helping to power the podcast! If you want to support the episode, and get yourself a discount on an amazing Minecraft server, check it out here. http://akliz.net/epicsquid
Listen "Foe Frenzy (feat. Ellpeck)"
More episodes of the podcast Regularly, Occasionally Modding
- Many Parts, One Whole
- A Curios Episode
- A Vacation to 1.14
- Foe Frenzy (feat. Ellpeck)
- P455w0rd's Things (feat. TheRealP455w0rd)
- The Bats and the Rats
- Episode 8 - The Forge Annual Parley
- Episode 7 - Grow Cubed
- Episode 6 - Powering Up!
- Episode 5 - Unbalanced is the new Balanced
- Episode 4 - Crashing without Burning
- Episode 3 - Utility Mods and Stardew Valley ft. Jared and Darhax
- Episode 2 - Vanilla++
- Episode 1 - Where it all Began