Refashioning the Renaissance is a scholarly podcast series about early modern fashion and experimental hands-on methods. In the series, researchers from the ERC-funded project "Refashioning the Renaissance: Popular Groups and the Material and Cultural Significance of Clothing in Europe 1550–1650" discuss with guests about the exciting ways that history of fashion can be studied from new perspectives.
Latest episodes of the podcast Refashioning the Renaissance
- 6. Material fictions and the complexity of early modern splendour (with Timothy McCall)
- 5. Tailoring processes and revelations (with Elizabeth Currie)
- 4. Making invisible colours visible (with Jo Kirby)
- 3. Getting your hands dirty (with Tessa Storey And Flora Dennis)
- 2. Knowing by making (with Pamela H. Smith)
- 1. What does hands-on experimentation mean for historians? (With John Styles)