Episode Synopsis "Thirsting for More"
In this episode i discuss thirsting after and growing more in Christ laying down other distractions
Listen "Thirsting for More"
More episodes of the podcast Redeemed By Grace
- Abandonded!
- Christ is Mine Forevermore
- Through His Strength
- Bought with a price
- Leave it in His hands
- Thirsting for More
- Even Now
- In all things
- Love God and love people
- Christ focused vs self focused
- Denying ourselves to follow Christ
- Modesty and dating part 2
- Modesty and dating part 1
- Fears healthy and unhealthy
- Delighting in Christ!
- Keys to fulfillment in Christ
- Contentment in Christ
- Siblings and parents? A guide to getting along
- Sharing my heart
- My testimony
- Pressures and tempations
- Talking about relationships
- More on living for Christ and priorities
- Surrender and trust!
- Redeemed By Grace (Trailer)