I am so excited to encourage young girls in their walk with Jesus and share some topics that have been on my heart so much lately!
Latest episodes of the podcast Redeemed By Grace
- Abandonded!
- Christ is Mine Forevermore
- Through His Strength
- Bought with a price
- Leave it in His hands
- Thirsting for More
- Even Now
- In all things
- Love God and love people
- Christ focused vs self focused
- Denying ourselves to follow Christ
- Modesty and dating part 2
- Modesty and dating part 1
- Fears healthy and unhealthy
- Delighting in Christ!
- Keys to fulfillment in Christ
- Contentment in Christ
- Siblings and parents? A guide to getting along
- Sharing my heart
- My testimony
- Pressures and tempations
- Talking about relationships
- More on living for Christ and priorities
- Surrender and trust!
- Redeemed By Grace (Trailer)