Episode Synopsis "126. Statutory Disclosures Property Condition Repairs and Inspection and RSC"
Listen "126. Statutory Disclosures Property Condition Repairs and Inspection and RSC"
More episodes of the podcast Real Estate with Ray Teske
- 132. Fair Housing
- 211. Jazzel Aguirre
- 210. A Conversation with Matt Muehlstein about Real Estate Development
- 209. A Conversation with Matt Miles
- 208. Commercial Real Estate Brokerage with David Ballard
- 207. A Conversation with Doug Swanson
- 206. Commercial Real Estate Brokerage with Keith Puzz
- 205. Twenty Questions
- 204. The Roof is on Fire, with Christy Rhone and Ricardo Beltran
- 203. Professional Development Redux
- 202. What is a BDO? With Cherie, Debbie and Rachel
- 201. Market Research with Matt Muehlstein
- 131. Enhancing Value Through Ongoing Property Management
- 130. Leases and Property Types
- 129. Closing, Possession, Settlement Expenses and Prorations
- 128. Earnest Money, Option fee, and the Effective Date
- 127. TREC Financing Addenda, Leases, Other Addenda, and Other Forms
- 126. Statutory Disclosures Property Condition Repairs and Inspection and RSC
- 125. Title and Surveys
- 124. Real Estate Financing
- 123. License Holder Disclosures
- 122. Property
- 121. Parties to a Contract
- 120. Contract Formation
- 119. TREC Contract Overview
- 118. Valuation Using the Comparative Market Analysis Approach
- 117. Real Estate Brokerage
- 116. The Brokerage Business
- 115. Legal Descriptions
- 114. Encumbrances and Liens
- 113. Ownership
- 112. Interests and Estates
- 111. Real Property
- 110. Concepts of Homeownership
- 109. Homeowners Insurance Overview in Texas
- 108. Professional Development
- 107. Professional Organizations
- 106. Getting Your Real Estate License
- 105. The Real Estate Business
- 104. The Big Picture: Minimizing Risk
- 103. Overview of the Embrey REFD Program
- 102. About Your Professor (Ray Teske)
- 101. Objectives for Principles of Real Estate
- 100. Introduction