Episode Synopsis "Episode 7 - Escrow: What is it, and How does it work? Denise Hueth"
Escrow is a legal concept describing a financial instrument whereby an asset or escrow money is held by a third party on behalf of two other parties that are in the process of completing a transaction. Denise Hueth, is our #1 trusted source and has been a part of our team for over 10 years. She is going to help you understand the ins and outs of Escrow and why it’s so important to work with a reputable Escrow team/company. Be prepared to take helpful notes as she walks us through the escrow process!
Listen "Episode 7 - Escrow: What is it, and How does it work? Denise Hueth"
More episodes of the podcast Real Estate Talk with Monica & Noel
- Episode 8 - What is Title & How does it Work? Dana Delmer
- Episode 7 - Escrow: What is it, and How does it work? Denise Hueth
- Episode 6 - 10 Mistakes First-Time Homebuyers should avoid
- Episode 5 - Refinancing
- Episode 4 - FHA Financing
- Episode 3 - Mental Wellness with Angie Alvarado
- Episode 2 Estate Planning Attorney, Allan Soto - Protect your family
- Real Estate and Mindset Wellness
- Real Estate Talk with Monica and Noel