Episode Synopsis "Quran Summary: Chapter 9"
DISCLAIMER:All of these notes are a summary and reflection of the tafsir of the Quran and hadith. Meaning these are not direct translations, they are not direct tafsir, they are not the exact words used either. So when I say the prophet pbuh said or Allah says, it is a summary of what they said, not what they said word for word. I am not a scholar and these notes are simply a condensed summary of 2-3 other tafsirs of the Quran. This is just a way for you to begin the journey into the Quran, otherwise you should definitely make the intention of learning further as we’ll only be scratching the surface with this summary.-SOURCES- This was my main source of the summary:https://youtu.be/mKqaSW8G41gThese were the other sources I used to understand:https://islamicstudies.info/tafheem.phphttps://www.al-islam.orghttp://www.englishtafsir.comhttps://versebyversequranstudycircle.wordpress.com/2014/04/21/tafseer-surah-al-baqarah-ayaat-1-and-2/http://www.ramadhanguide.com/summary-of-juz-1/
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