Episode Synopsis "The Dog Who Nobody Wanted"
The is a story about a rescue dog who was awful but with love and training is now lovely.
Listen "The Dog Who Nobody Wanted"
More episodes of the podcast Quinn’s Quirky Podcast
- 120
- Podcasts
- Birthday
- Christmas surprise :-)
- No grownups
- Hi
- Name
- No podcast
- Interview of my grandma.
- Interview of my dad.
- Podcast
- Prank time part two.
- Do it now!
- Make your own podcast!
- The farm family.
- The web house.
- The Halloween house.
- Tip time
- Hi
- Quinn’s Quirky Podcast (Trailer)
- Spanish
- French🇫🇷
- Prank time.😈
- School
- Pick your path.
- The band
- About me.🌸
- Soccer campion!⚽️
- Interview of Aiden😍
- Dog and cat friends 😀
- Friends are so nice
- What are you thinking?
- Chapter Two
- Book Time!
- Reading time
- No Podcast Tonight
- Wolves are gone
- The bat who lost his home 🦇
- Joke book time
- The Lonely Pumpkin - Part 3
- The Lonely Pumpkin - Part 2
- The Lonely Pumpkin
- The Skeleton and the Mummy
- The Ghost Tree
- The farmer and his friends
- Interview of Elizabeth
- The Tassie Family
- The little family and the little dogs
- The Monkey Family
- The Sticky Mud Puddles
- The Farmers and the Frog Couple
- Quinn’s Pets
- Jaguar and the Fish
- The Animal Pile
- The Silly Basketball Playing Puppy
- There’s More of Us!!!
- The Dog and Cat That Don’t Learn Lessons
- The Silly Puppy Adventures
- Find the Right Key
- The Fish Who Had a Tummy Ache
- The Frog Who Was Friends With the Cat
- The Farmer
- The Pelican Saves the Kangaroo
- The Sparrow Family
- The Moon Who Was Friends With the Sun
- The Dog Who Left the Farm
- The Cow Who Ran Away
- The Cat and the Dog - Unlikely Friends
- The Dog Who Thought He Wasn’t Good at His Job
- Unlikely Friends
- The Big Scary Cave
- The Owl Who Was Friends With a Mouse
- The Bunny’s Thanksgiving With the Moose
- The Skunk Who Tried to Spray Every Single Forest Animal
- The Trickster Crab
- The Super Australian Dog Pack
- The Iguanas, Tigers, and Koalas
- The Dog Family
- The Duck Who Met a Cat
- The Lost Dog Who Met a Crab
- Another Interview of Quinn
- The Bee Who Lost Its Home
- Julie and the Crow
- The Girl Who Had Her Hair Cut
- Aborted Episode
- The Fairy Mouse God
- Quinn Interviews Her Mummy
- Interview of Quinn - Part 4
- Interview of Quinn - Part 3
- Interview of Quinn - Part 2
- Interview of Quinn - Part 1
- The Whale Thanksgiving Meal
- The Thankful Dog
- The Dog Who Nobody Wanted
- The Pig Who Loved the Mud
- Thankful Kangaroo
- Koala Preschool
- Lost Lemurs - My 1st Podcast