Episode Synopsis "Python Course - Introduction to Python Course"
Lesson-1-Introduction to Python Topics covered: 1. What is Python ? Where is it used ? 2. Python Editors - PyCharm and Jupyter 3. Why Python is used for Data Science? 4. Python Libraries 5. How to install python on windows?
Listen "Python Course - Introduction to Python Course"
More episodes of the podcast Python Course
- Data Science with Python Chapter-2 Methods of Random Numbers in Numpy
- Data Science with Python-Chapter-1 Numpy Built in Functions -Arrray , Arange , Linspace , Zeros,Ones and Eye
- Section C: Summing of Python Basic Programming Course with Numerical Exercise
- Section-B Chapter-3 Understanding Built in Functions -Map , Filter and Lambda Expression in Python
- Section-B Chapter-2 Defined Functions and Methods in Python
- Section B- Built in Functions , Defined Functions and Arguments in Python Chapter-1
- Python Programming Basics Crash Course
- Python Course- Python Data Types & Variable explained
- Python Course - Python Programming Basics - Numbers,String Manipulation and Boolean Operators
- Python Course - Getting started with Python & PyCharm IDE
- Python Course - Introduction to Python Course