The newest sermons from Poyntzpass Baptist Church on SermonAudio.
Latest episodes of the podcast Poyntzpass Baptist Church
- The Rich Young Ruler
- Saul's Sorry End
- A Bit of a Situation
- The Permanence of Marriage
- Time and Eternity
- The Soul Winner
- Sometimes Our Plans Change
- Soul Winning For Christ
- “A New Heaven and a New Earth “
- Approaching Evangelism
- 'What is The Great White Throne"
- "Satan's Lat Hurrah"
- Prayer and Healing
- Patience in Persecution
- The Temple - The Heart of Worship
- God's Word to The Elite
- Life in The Kingdom
- A Short Time to Prepare for Eternity
- The First 75 Days
- It's Easy to be Proud
- Living for Heaven or for Earth?
- Solving Grievances Within
- How important is Ceremonial Washing?
- The Tongue - The World's Greatest Troublemaker
- A Crown of Witnessing
- How & When Jesus Comes to us
- The Incorruptible Crown
- Partnership in Mission Work
- Are You Significant For God
- The Testimony of Ali Colvin
- Calvinism - Irresistible Grace
- Will Your Faith get you into Heaven
- Making the Impossible Possible
- Calvinism - Limited Atonement - Part 2
- Keeping the Well of your Heart Free from Drudgery
- Pilate - Inches From Jesus, Yet Died in His Sin
- Calvinism - Limited Atonement - Part 1
- Avoiding Herod’s road to Ruin
- James - How We Treat One Another
- Calvinism - Unconditional Election
- James - What the Bible says about Religion
- The Parable of the Dragnet
- Calvinism - Biblical Election
- What God's People Should Look At
- A letter to The Church at Smyrna
- Easter - Christ Dies For Us
- Encouragements for Daily Living - Part 4
- The “Triumphal” March to Jerusalem
- The Parable of The Pearl of Great Price
- Encouragements for Daily Living - Part 3
- What Will You Do With The The Gospel
- Encouragements for Daily Living - Part 2
- The Characteristics of The Saints
- The Parable of The Lost Sheep
- Encouragements for Daily Living - Part 1
- The Parable of The Hidden Treasure
- James - The Difference between a Hearer and a Doer
- T.U.L.I.P - Part 2
- James - Be Swift to Listen
- The Rich Farmer
- Introduction to T.U.L.I.P
- James - God’s Giving of Gifts
- The Parable of the leaven
- The Study of Calvinism - Part 1
- James - The Blame for sin
- The Parable of The Mustard Tree
- The Study of Calvinism - Part 1
- James - Rejoicing No-matter What
- The Parable of The Tares among Wheat
- The Book of Esther - Part 7
- The Book of Esther - Part 6
- The Book of Esther - Part 5
- The Book of Esther - Part 4
- 2024-01-30 Week Of Mission Paul Ferguson
- Book Of Esther - Part 3
- The Book of Esther - Part 1
- The Book of Esther - Part 2
- An Introduction to the Study of Calvinism
- James - The Need of Wisdom
- The Parable of The Sower
- The Biblical History of Jerusalem
- A Mystery is Revealed
- James - Faith During Trials
- James - An Introduction
- The Great Commission
- The Ultimate Christmas Journey
- The Road to Bethlehem
- The Unpardonable Sin
- Angels - Part One
- A Journey of Faith
- Come Unto Me
- Dispensationalism - Part 4
- Dealing with Gaza
- Fools of the Bible
- Friends
- What is Your Priority
- The Man Who Saw The Gift
- Dispensationalism - Part 3
- The Preservation of Israel
- The Raising of Jairus Daughter