Email Marketing ROI Calculation & How to Use Email ROI Calculator

Email Marketing ROI Calculation & How to Use Email ROI Calculator

Popupsmart Digital Marketing Podcasts

27/08/2019 5:57AM

Episode Synopsis "Email Marketing ROI Calculation & How to Use Email ROI Calculator"

No matter how many innovative digital marketing tactics emerge, email marketing is still one of the most effective marketing channels due to its permission-based feature, its business utility, its customization, and targeting capabilities. Also, it is a perfect return-driven way of digital marketing: email marketing has an average return on investment of 3800%. 🙀 Before you move on the stage of implementing an email marketing campaign, initially, you need to set measurable goals and determine clear key performance indicators that will help you to track the progress of your aims. Return on investment (ROI) in email marketing is a performance measurement metric used to evaluate the effectiveness of digital efforts and investments on email campaigns. In other words, it is the determination of what is gained from an investment and how much you have budgeted for this investment. 😿

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