Peacemaker Shaykh Ahmadou Bamba

Peacemaker Ahmadou Bamba. Michelle R. Kimball gives a brief summary of his life and message based on her new book, Shaykh Ahmadou Bamba: A Peacemaker for Our Time. He ranks with such apostles of peaceful militancy as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. His adventures begin in the villages of Senegal, before he is thrust into the jungles of the French Congo and the pristine Sahara Desert in Mauritania. 33 years in exile, prison, or house arrest only fortifies his spirit, as affirmed by his beautiful poetry and song. His writings are seen as living texts which he petitioned God to be "an eternal source of happiness for whomever would apply their knowledge." This audio is from the Book Launch held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on January 2019

Peacemaker Shaykh Ahmadou Bamba

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