Episode Synopsis "The Righteous for the Unrighteous"
Listen "The Righteous for the Unrighteous"
More episodes of the podcast Parklane Christian Reformed Church
- This is Our Story
- Gospel Friendship and Growing in Grace
- Preaching Where Christ is Not Known
- Do Not Judge
- Love One Another (The Time is Short)
- Not Everyone
- The Golden Rule
- Do Not Be Anxious
- Treasures in Heaven
- But When You Fast
- The Lord’s Prayer
- Giving
- Love Your Enemies
- Retaliation and the Justice of God
- Good News for Tough Times
- The Triumphal Entry
- The Source of Eternal Salvation
- By Grace Through Faith
- Christ: The Wisdom of God
- Through Faith
- The Righteous for the Unrighteous
- The True Meaning of Marriage
- Lust and Love
- Be Reconciled
- Fulfilling the Law
- Salt and Light
- Kingdom Identity
- Complaining to God
- Calling
- Are You Adopted?
- Life in the Spirit
- Who Will Deliver Me?
- That You May Know
- The Physical Jesus
- Overcoming the World
- Christ Our Advocate
- God is Light
- Jesus: The Word of Life
- The Character of Compassion
- Anger or Compassion?
- Jonah Goes to Nineveh
- Running from Grace
- The Pattern of Love
- Extreme Measures
- Trying to Run from God
- The Comfort of the Resurrection
- The Stone The Builders Rejected
- A New Creation
- Doing Good to All
- Jesus the Perfect Savior
- The Fruit of the Spirit: Self-Control
- Messy Church
- The Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness
- The Father Almighty
- The Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness
- The World, the Flesh, and the Devil
- The Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness
- God Saves Sinners
- The Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness
- Messy Church
- The Fruit of the Spirit: Patience
- Jesus: True God and True Man
- The Fruit of the Spirit: Peace
- Justice, Mercy and Jesus
- The Fruit of the Spirit: Joy
- Where Does Sin Come From
- The Fruit of the Spirit: Love
- Family of God
- The Flesh vs. The Spirit
- Not My Own
- Freedom in Christ
- Immanuel
- Prince of Peace
- Resurrection Power
- Everlasting Father
- Almighty God
- Elected and United
- Wonderful Counselor
- A Wandering Aramean
- Giving Thanks
- Children of the Promise
- Great is Thy Faithfulness
- Shepherds and Sheep
- What is Baptism?
- One in Christ Jesus
- Meditations on the Reformation
- The Law and the Promise
- "Why Church Planting?"
- Christ Redeemed Us
- Gospel-Centered Conflict
- When you Pray
- Running in Vain
- Whose Authority?
- How Does the Holy Spirit Help Us?
- The Resurrection Life
- Jesus and Judas: Loving the Betrayer
- Why Do Good Works?
- Watch Out!
- Faith Not Works
- Everything She Had