Episode Synopsis "Impressions at the Foot of Illimani, by Mariano Ramallo"
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More episodes of the podcast Pan-American Poems: an anthology by Various
- Preface, by Agnes Blake Poor
- The Pansy, by Esteban Echeverria
- To ---, by José Rivera Indarte
- To Rosas (extracts), by José Mármol
- May 25th 1849, by José Mármol
- In an Album, by José Mármol
- Bubbles, by Pedro J. Naón
- The Fugitive, by Pedro J. Naón
- Peace, by Florencio Varela
- The 25th of May, 1839 (extracts), by Juan Cruz Varela
- Impressions at the Foot of Illimani, by Mariano Ramallo
- Marabá, by Gonçalves Dias
- To Liberty (extract), by Francisco Manuel
- Theresa, by Bruno Seabra
- Folk-Song (Merendim or Mulondim) of the Brazilian Gypsies
- Love, by Hermógenes Irisarri
- After the Duel, by Santiago Escuti Orrego
- Yesterday and Today, by Narciso Tondreau
- The Guaili, by M. M. Madiedo
- To Washington, by Gertrudis Gomes de Avellaneda
- The Hurricane, by José Maria Heredia
- To General Flores, Conqueror of Miñarica, José Joaquin de Olmedo
- To Ch---, by Augustín F. Cuenca
- The Murmur from the Stable, by Rubén Darío
- Sonatina, by Rubén Darío
- Homage to Darío, by Arthur Giminez Pastor
- Sighs, by Ethelberto Zegarra Ballón
- To Edison, by Domingo de Vivero
- The Three Epochs, by Diego Maisias y Calle
- The Setting Sun, by José de Diego
- The African Mother, by Francisco Acuña de Figueroa
- Thou and I, by Juan Zorrilla de San Martín
- Does She Not Feel?, by Juan Zorrilla de San Martín
- A Remembrance of Puerto Cabello - The Mangle, by D.A.Lozano