Episode Synopsis "Instinct"
A collection of recordings using elements of prayer, meditation, and mini lectures on matters of the divine. I’m the daughter of a midwest preacher that’s expanded my view of the spiritual realm through diverse religious/spiritual practices and lead from a space of soulful understanding. Typically, I step into my calling through by facilitating healing experiences, and that takes many forms including yoga/meditation, spiritual media, and soulfully intentional gatherings. ….But lately I’ve had strength for little other than to pray. Every injustice suffered, every life grieved, every bigoted system is rooted in a deep inner contradiction to what we truly are. So we must return to sprit. Prayer is the most immediate mode of communication to do just that. Some will be turned off by the thought of praying but the deep surrender it takes to call our higher power (however you chose to recognize it-god, nature, universe, oshun, etc) is reaffirming of our place and purpose. The act is indicative of interdependence. If it moves you, so be it.