Nothing is permanent

Hi, I’m shukei, a weekend travel vlogger based in Tokyo, Japan My motto of this podcast is "Having better travel experiences in Japan". From a Japanese travel vlogger's perspective, I introduce a bunch of information about Japan such as sightseeing, old history, unique culture, latest news and whatever. It's all in Japanese so hopefully this podcast will be helpful for you to learn Japanese as well. Have fun! このPodcastでは、「日本での旅行をもっと楽しく」をモットーに、観光、歴史、文化など、日本のあらゆる情報を、Travel Vlogger である私独自の視点でお届けするチャンネルです。 ぜひ通勤、通学、家事などの片手間にお聞き下さい!

Nothing is permanent

Latest episodes of the podcast Nothing is permanent