[Introducing Westernized Asian Girl Podcast] How the name Westernized Girl came about? Growing up as an Asian-Westerner, how I learnt English without even trying, my background etc.

[Introducing Westernized Asian Girl Podcast] How the name Westernized Girl came about? Growing up as an Asian-Westerner, how I learnt English without even trying, my background etc.

Notes from a Westernized Asian Girl

14/06/2021 1:14AM

Episode Synopsis "[Introducing Westernized Asian Girl Podcast] How the name Westernized Girl came about? Growing up as an Asian-Westerner, how I learnt English without even trying, my background etc."

Hey guys! This is very exciting for me because after all these years of listening to radios and converting my favourite Youtube videos into mp3 files, I finally am trying out another field i've always been interested in..."Podcast!" After years of dreaming to become a Youtuber while not knowing which category to place myself into, I've always known I had the utmost interest in...or what do we call it?.....talent...for speaking, writing, story-telling in general, my passion for the English language is to the point where I'd get really excited just to see alphabets on any object while living in a Mandarin speaking country, I knew I could never stray away from language/literature, anything associated with words and talking, so I guess here we are, checking one box after another. :) So as I check off my box for podcast, I encourage all of you to chase your dreams as well, for I believe everyone has the ability to fulfill them! //If you have read this far, It would be very generous of you to like and follow my podcast, I will be providing you with all my experiences and tips I've learnt throughout the years, with experience talks ranging from my past and current interracial relationships to talks about my freelance jobs and my tips for being an online tutor as a student and literally...how to survive the internet world we're living in right now. Join my 920 subscribers and become OG! Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/westernizedgirl Instagram: www.instagram.com/westernizedgirl Have a good life, or just a good day if thats too intimate! <3

Listen "[Introducing Westernized Asian Girl Podcast] How the name Westernized Girl came about? Growing up as an Asian-Westerner, how I learnt English without even trying, my background etc."

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