Episode Synopsis " 1John 4 8"
How can we know God?Listen to what the Bible says, from 1John(click for podcast)ghaH 'Iv ta'be' muSHa' ta'be' Sov joH'a', vaD joH'a' ghaH muSHa'.He who doesn`t love doesn`t know God, for God is love.Online BibleListen to the Word, it helps us navigate the stars and beyond.
Listen " 1John 4 8"
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- 1Peter 4 8
- 1John 4 8
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- 1Corinthians 13 4
- Ex 23 12
- 1John 4 16
- EX 13 21
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- nehemiah 2 4
- Ezr 7 27
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- Col 3 2
- prov 23 17
- prov 16 3
- John 16:24
- John 15:11
- Hebrews 4 12
- Colossians 1 11
- 2Corinthians 12 9
- Isaiah 40 29
- 1Corinthians 6 14