Grace under pressure

Grace under pressure

Mommin’ with Purpose

28/05/2021 3:50PM

Episode Synopsis "Grace under pressure"

How many times have you heard someone say “moms can do it all” or you yourself have said “i got this” while slightly freaking out a little on the inside? The pressure to do all the things can get really heavy - do you feel it? I know I sure do. We live in a day and age where its constantly go, go, go - adding more things to our schedules, saying “yes” when we really shouldn't, or just putting these unrealistic expectations on ourselves. I know for me personally - I have a strong desire to not only be a great mom, but also a fun one too. & I have that desire all while trying to make sure i'm a bomb wife, keeping up with the housecleaning, the laundry, running a business from home, oh and of course I cant forget to play with the dog (haha) it can be exhausting sometimes, cant it? It's honestly time to normalize being NORMAL! Embrace our “hot mess” tendencies if you will and just enjoy the ride! Taking off the pressure to be perfect and just striving to be a little bit better each day.

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