What's a Sonic Thump? (with NASA Quesst's Jonathan Rathsam and Ed Haering)

What's a Sonic Thump? (with NASA Quesst's Jonathan Rathsam and Ed Haering)

Looking Up

03/05/2024 4:56PM

Episode Synopsis "What's a Sonic Thump? (with NASA Quesst's Jonathan Rathsam and Ed Haering)"

Dean discusses NASA Quesst's X-59 aircraft with Senior Research Engineer at NASA Langley, Dr. Jonathan Rathsam and Aerospace Engineer at NASA Armstrong, Ed Haering. Will supersonic air travel make a comeback? Homework assignment: Would you go on a suborbital flight? Send us your thoughts at [email protected] or post them on social media using #lookinguppod Want to find out how you can get involved with the Quesst mission? Check out nasa.gov/quesst to learn more! Music from Blue Dot Sessions this episode: Fornax Ditty, Louver, Voyager, Preston and Carle, Null Melody and TK Club. Music shortened to match episode. View license at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ Find Us Online: Twitter: @lookinguppod @deanregas, Instagram: @917wvxu @deanregas, Tiktok: @cincinnatipublicradio @astronomerdean, Episode transcript: www.wvxu.org/podcast/looking-up, More from Dean: www.astrodean.com

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